Dental Summer School: Peninsula Dental School (University of Plymouth)
The University of Plymouth, Peninsula Residential Summer School Programme will welcome 25 students in Years 11 and 12 onto the university campus. The four-day, three-night programme will cover the three main elements of the student life cycle. It will focus on supporting the student’s journey into dental education with admissions advice and support, life as a dental student including information and activities that explain the challenges and opportunities encountered as a dental student, and life beyond dental school.
This will be an immersive experience covering the range of careers within the oral health profession. The programme will also include talks from academics and dental students from Queen Mary University London (QMUL) and Kings College London (KCL).
7-10 July 2025 (provisional)
Other event dates:
Online Launch (July)
Online Admissions Q&A with members (August)
Invitation to mock interviews (Autumn)
Target year group: Years 11 and 12
Deadline: Sunday 9 February 2025
Read the full eligibility criteria